My Story

My Story – Behind the Camera

Date: 2019 September 23


18 days remaining until the BEST book launch ever takes the stage at the Farmhouse Restaurant. It features fantastic local musicians,  an outdoor scene like no other and a BLOCKBUSTER novel.

Lots on the go leading up to this special day… including… today was the filming of the “My Story” television show, featuring APOK Derailed. Thanks to Rogers TV, and Joanne and Ann for inviting me to be part of the show. They really know how to make it fun.

Stay tuned more coming your way…

“Hell Week”. After 3 days on a military base living the life of a new recruit, I wasn’t able to continue. It’s not like I wasn’t having fun. Until that moment I was enjoying the experience of maintaining pace with those in their mid to late 20s. Remarkably my legs and feet didn’t give out, which is one of the main reasons people aren’t able to continue. Unfortunately one of my cycling injuries came back with a vengeance. It felt like I was reliving the accident all over again. I couldn’t move and the pain was almost too much to bare.

I find comfort in the idea that this was a sign to focus on my soon to be released novel. Among other things, this past week saw the website updated, the new commercial is being fine tuned, and many more dominos have been put into place; including the “My Story” filming.  I am happy to announce that the website updates include an Events Calendar, revised and cleaned up pages, and a host of new companies that have joined in to help APOK Derailed (HUGE THANKS TO ALL OF THEM).

Have a great week, until next time,


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