CHARGE 2022!

Date: 2022 January 4


Let’s charge 2022 with APOK III! In saying that, I truly want to thank each and everyone one of you, whether you’re new to APOK, or have been following along since the very beginning (nearly 10 years ago). Your support has been an inspiration to keep working despite all the ups and downs any journey this long has. Thank you, and I am looking forward to delivering you a MASTERPIECE worthy of your attention and patience.

There is so much happening, APOK has over 2,600 followers and growing. Internet content has been viewed by well over 400,000 times and counting everyday. 2022 will mark a new year of APOK firsts… new bookmarks, shirts / sweaters and posters and more. Over the year 2021, the APOK brand has grown now advertised across North America on Transport Trucks, the Internet and word of mouth (and we’re just getting started). Stay tuned for more and chances to walk away with new swag. There is so much more to say and do, and I must remind myself that each journey begins with it’s first step and only reaches it’s destination by every step that follows.

I must admit, I can’t help but get excited thinking of all the things on the horizon, however I know I need to focus my inner child and pay attention on each step along the way. I love the kid in me, but if I spent all my time having fun, APOK III would never get done. Balance is key, and likely the toughest part of being me.

Over the holidays I got exactly what I wanted, time to finish the 2nd revision of APOK III. I always surprise myself. I don’t know if it’s a result of the head injury or just the fact that the story took me several years to write, I forget the details allowing me to caught up in the story when I read through it to edit or revise. The story is fast, strong and ready to challenge the sleuths out there who enjoy following the details. It ties up the trilogy nicely and will have readers wanting more, after they regain their breath.

For those seeking a delivery timeline (ETA), I am working towards releasing the third novel sometime within the year 2023. I plan on celebrating the 10 year anniversary of APOK in circulation with the release of the final installment. A year to release a novel may seem like a long time, but let me assure you, this is a tight timeline. This is an exciting time with a lot of work in the days ahead, whether it be working with editors, publishers or the full gamut of people involved in getting a novel out the door, there won’t be a shortage of things to do…. not to mention the planning and execution of an epic book launch party combined with a 10 year anniversary. This will be one celebration you won’t want to miss.

Stay tuned,

