Endless Beginnings


Date: 2022 September 5

September seems to give everyone a second chance at beginning the year again. With the passing of the heat wave, it’s a magical time filled with new adventures starting or on the horizon. As the leaves change colors, children will once again crowd into yellow buses, and regular routines will wind up into full motion.

As a writer, I can say the cooler weather definitely makes my job that much easier, less summer distractions. Although this summer I didn’t have as many outside distractions as I typically do… recovering from some significant injuries sustained right before the heat came definitely limited my particular choice of outdoor activities. Instead, I used that time as productively as I could to chomp through three complete novel revisions and get III into a solid place. APOK CROSSFIRE (III) currently stands at 9 revisions completed with the 10th just beginning. I expect to start working with outside help after this revision, getting another step closer to publishing. Working with outside help will help me stay focused, as I find it is getting harder and harder not to get too excited and wrapped up in the story and stay on task of finding places where I can trim. My goal is to sharpen this story to a razor-sharp point. If you enjoyed APOK, and APOK Derailed you’ll devour APOK CROSSFIRE. This is a wild ride that will live up to its name and the new novel specific logo that I am working on.

While APOK CROSSFIRE provides a host unexpected twists and turns while delivering high octane adrenaline pumping action, I had to remain just as nimble while recovering from my injuries. I had to reinvent what I could to keep myself in near APOK shape. Initially it involved doing as little as possible while my body healed to a point. Next it involved reducing weight, or changing the workouts all together using no weight. I can’t take full credit for the near full recovery at this point, I had help from Chiropractor, Physiotherapy and Massages treatments. I hope to be back in APOK shape soon and will be creating more promotional material.

Having had many injuries over the years, I realize with or without injury, we have endless beginnings. Whether we are having a bad moment, day, week, month or year, we can always reinvent ourselves and be better than we were a moment ago…all it takes is the will and action to make it so.

As promised the giveaways in celebrating the upcoming 10-year anniversary will be starting soon.

Stay tuned, much, much more coming your way very soon!!!

**The image above is a typical seen in the revision department – blueberries, apple, assortment of nuts with chocolate chips and water**
