Date: 2022 July 25

The APOK Series BOOK trailer was released last week and it has been already watched a few thousand times… and the feedback has been extremely positive. If you’ve enjoyed the series be sure to share the trailer with everyone and help release APOK to the world.

APOK III – Revisions are moving along… currently in Revision #7, Chapter 21 of 40. For those wanting to know, in my writing experiences, the first few revisions perform the heavy lifting and are much longer to finish – much like any living organism, in the beginning the story experiences exponential growth, however unable to bear fruit. As a discovery writer, these early revisions provide me an opportunity to gain a solid grasp of story lines that I developed years earlier and marry everything up, while at the same time cleaning up the writing.

Moving forward the REVISIONS are completed faster and with less pain. This is where the editing becomes extremely picky, spelling, words and dialogue. Due to my ADHD personality, it takes me a few times to go through this to catch everything.

Once I am satisfied that I have done everything that I can possibly do… then I hire editors to ensure that I didn’t miss anything, and more REVISIONS are done. This may seem like a long process, and relatively speaking it sorta is, but you’d be surprised how quickly that time flies by.

In short, I believe we are on track to release APOK III by the end of next year December 2023. I am super pumped to deliver the series closer with a massive BANG!



With great power comes great responsibility…or so they say.

Why is it when everything seems to running smoothly… there is always a fork in the road that appears. As a child this never seemed to bother me, or at least I didn’t have a choice to make a different decision. Now as a fully functioning, mentally aware adult (that statement may be in question by some), I realize that I am the master of my fate, however whenever one of these blasted FORKS appear, I realize that I am the master of my fate!

Unlike a cartoon or game, after making that decision, there’s no turning back, and no redos. While this is stress inducing, there is one thing that it does too… It makes you feel alive. Fear is great for reminding you that you’re not dead, quite yet.

While not all fork in the road moments are life or death situations, they prepare us to forge ahead, make decisions and live by the consequences. So, when I decide to play outside instead of work on APOK III, I have to own it. Instead of thinking of all of the work I have yet to do, I must enjoy whatever I am doing. Although I struggle with this concept, this is how I want to live my life… Living to the fullest whatever that is at that moment, and ENJOY the journey.

Till next time,
